Sunday 20 February 2011

I'm going to Uganda!!

My first blog is here at last! Many of you have been encouraging and reminding me (aka prodding & kindly moaning at me!) to get this done as I had intended to write it many months ago but the last 5 months seem to have whizzed past so quickly. For those of you who I haven’t bored yet with all the details here is a quick overview of how I got to be here........

I had my interview with Africa Inland Mission International (AIM) on 7th September 2010 after months of seeking, praying and then being led to ‘push the doors’ with AIM ( Before the interview so many things had fallen into place, resulting in the opportunity to take a years sabbatical from work to do something different and after years of thinking about and being prepared for this moment, it was clear that God was telling me that this was my time to get stuck in and serve him in Africa working with vulnerable children and following my passion. Following the interview I was given a few details of a possible placement in Jinja, Uganda working for a year in an orphanage called Good Shepherd’s Fold (  I was given details of the nursing placement at the orphanage that serves approximately 100 children on site and also those in the local community and surrounding villages who attend for schooling. The onsite nurse (me!) is based in a clinic in the grounds of the orphanage and serves the children in the orphanage and also provides medical care for those in the surrounding villages.
Right now, I’m sitting writing this still amazed at how I’ve got to be here. It’s clear through the many little details, personal concerns & barriers and amazing conversations and situations that have occurred in the last year since my journey began that God is in control. He has brought me to this point for a reason and has selected me for a purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know what I have planned for you”, says the Lord. “I have plans so prosper you, and not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.” 

1 comment:

  1. And here you are less than a year later and about to leave England for Uganda! God is good all the time!
