Sunday 27 March 2011


Can you believe it, my leave date is in 4 and a half months!! Wowser, that’s scary and right now at 2am I am doing what I’ve been doing a lot of recently and what I’ve become quite good at actually….panicking!!! It’s at this time when I’m meant to be sleeping and catching up on some rest that my brain goes into freak out mode! I worry about various things…my finances, how I will fit enough extra shifts in at work, ‘how’ you even go about renting a property out, whether I’ll be good enough for the job in Uganda, the realities of being away from home for 12 months – the weddings, parties, events and friends & family that I’ll miss, how sad it will be to wave goodbye at the airport…. It’s at these times I have to keep remembering to bring it all back to Him. The one who called me for this and who is already ahead of me in that place preparing the way. As each week passes I can see how God is putting people in my path, sending encouraging sermons and bible verses, reminding me that this is all part of his plan and that it’ll all be ok.

Some positive feedback is that despite being awake frequently at 2am I am also getting to the stage where part of my night times spent laying awake I can be thankful for the many blessings I have received. I’m thankful that in the 5 months since I had my first fundraising event I have almost hit my target! I’m praising God for his faithfulness to me this far along the journey and that I am never out of His care and sight.

If you have time please join me in praying for a few specific things (you don’t have to do this at 2am, that’s just my crazy choice of time!!):

1. Money - I need to have personal finances in order before I go.
2. Time - I want to be able to ensure that I use my time left wisely. Pray for quality time with family that it is complete and full, time to work bank shifts for extra money, time to spend with God and church family in good fellowship, time to prepare my flat for renting, that my 2am time awake is spent wisely and not wasted worrying!
3. Self-belief - I need to get over the feelings of failure, weakness and inadequacy and remember that I am chosen for this task!

Philippians 4:6 “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”

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