Monday 26 September 2011

Eye Clinic

3 weeks ago we have had a visiting team with us from North Carolina. They were a church team made up of two eye doctors, 2 nurses and 3 amazing helpers who had all come out to give their time and skills to bless the children, staff and school here at GSF. They set up a mobile clinic in our church and for 3 full days went about treating hundreds of adults and children each day. They would do a vision test and then for the adults and for those children that needed it would carry out a full eye examination.

I was informed that we hadn’t had any eye doctors visit GSF for 11 years and that it is particularly difficult to find eye specialists in our area of Uganda. We were able to ensure that each child, staff member and missionary on site was tested. They also saw the children in the school, the teachers and school staff. They were also able to see local children and families who attend programmes run by our Social Worker and then on Thursday afternoon travelled into the surrounding villages to offer their service to villagers who live in this area.

Being an observer during the week was such a privilege. You could see what a  blessing this team were to those in need here and what an answer to prayer they were to many. The team picked up that some children and adults had cataracts so we will try and look into options surrounding surgery for these. They also picked up cases of glaucoma which if left untreated would have caused blindness within the next few years. We now have the medication to treat this and to save their sight.

The best part for me was watching those at the glasses station (affectionately known as ‘googles’ as the children here like to call them). The team had brought hundreds of pairs of prescription glasses with them and if it was picked up by the doctor that they would need glasses they would be sent to the next station and be fitted for and given their glasses. They were even able to choose from a variety of frames, colours and designs. Watching them as they read clearly for the first time was like being part of a miracle. The smiles I watched as glasses were put on and sight was restored was an amazing experience to see.

The team have been a blessing to those at GSF and were a real support and encouragement to us working here. They were fun, hard working and amazing servants following God’s calling to come and serve here. 

It was also a great experience for me, to come all the way to Africa to have my eyes tested! And for those of you wondering….I passed! I have 20/20 vision so am all good!!

1 comment:

  1. How amazing to read how this wonderful team of Doctors and Nurses from America gave up their time to make sure the children and adults in the Good Shepherd Fold and the surrounding villages all got their eyes tested. I was pleased to see that you passed your eye test too! x
